Before working with us, the team over at MAYA were facing challenges in establishing a brand identity that aligned perfectly with their vision.

They had previously collaborated with a designer but weren’t happy with the results. They had a strong concept in mind but they needed some development and fine-tuning, as well as social media curation, packaging, and product design.

From the outset, it was clear that we’d need a flexible, open-minded, and collaborative approach to unlock the true potential of this brand. Understanding the importance of working closely together, we embraced a partnership that was focused on bringing their creative vision to life. So we set out to create a brand identity for MAYA that is perfectly aligned with their brand values and brand story, finding the precise balance between authenticity, luxury, and warmth.


Throughout our collaboration with MAYA, our primary focus was to curate a powerful and cohesive visual identity for their brand. We provided creative insights and fresh ideas that helped them overcome any creative hurdles they faced previously.

The result was a remarkable transformation of their initial ideas. With a balanced and creatively rejuvenated brand identity, MAYA emerged as an authentic and impactful brand with a compelling story. The founders could now envision MAYA as a real entity, ready for success.As our collaboration concluded, we left MAYA with a brand identity that truly reflected their vision and set the stage for a bright future.

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